Bihar’s former Chief Minister, Karpoori Thakur, will be honored with the Bharat Ratna posthumously. The announcement was made on his birthday, 24th January. He was a hero of marginalized people.
Nitish Kumar welcomed the decision of the central government.
Karpoori, our beloved leader
Born in Samastipur, Bihar, he hailed from a humble background, belonging to the lower caste. Emerging as a hero for the lower caste populace, he served as the Chief Minister of Bihar on two occasions. 
Beyond his political role, he was a freedom fighter and a teacher, having faced imprisonment during the Quit India Movement. Recognized as the people’s hero, he earned this title for his dedicated efforts in championing the cause of the poor and marginalized.
Simplicity and social justice were Karpoori’s identity
He served as the Chief Minister two times; however, he never managed to complete a full term. He held office from 1970 to 1971 and again from 1977 to 1979. Earlier, Bihar’s students used to fail in exams due to English. When he became the education minister, he removed English as a compulsory subject for writing exams. That’s why he was considered a hero, as he understood the basic problems people were facing. His politics were entirely based on social justice. 
He also implemented a complete ban on alcohol in Bihar. Due to this decision, he lost many supporters. Before the Mandal Commission, he established the “Mungerilal Commission” in Bihar and granted reservations to backward people. However, because of this, he had to resign from the Chief Minister’s post.
When he was the Chief Minister of Bihar, he did not have enough money for his clothes, showcasing his simplicity and dedication toward his work. In 1988, he passed away, and after a considerable period following his death, the Indian government announced to posthumously award him the Bharat Ratna on his birth anniversary. His entire life was devoted to the poor and marginalized, and he lived a life larger than life itself.
Is this a masterstroke to win Bihar in upcoming poll?
Karpoori Thakur was a prominent figure in Bihar, considered a heroic figure in the state. The current Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar, regards him as his political mentor, and both Lalu Yadav and Nitish Kumar’s politics are influenced by him. 
Nitish Kumar has, on various occasions, requested Bharat Ratna for Karpoori Thakur. This move by the center raises a question: Is the BJP attempting to win the support of Biharis by honoring Karpoori with the Bharat Ratna?
This action seems to be a counter to Nitish Kumar’s caste survey masterplan in 2024. The BJP has sent a message to the people that it respects individuals and politicians from all backgrounds. It has made efforts to break away from its image as an upper-class Hindu party.
Whatever the reason, this is a moment of joy for the people of Bihar and the entire nation who believe in social justice and simplicity. Whatever the reason, this is a moment of joy for the people of Bihar and the entire nation who believe in social justice and simplicity.
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