Russia has launched an offensive war against Ukraine on December 29. In this attack Russia launched 36 drones and 122 missiles and the attack lasted more than 18 hours. It was Russia’s largest air strike since the start of the war. 31 people died in this.
Russia’s miscalculation about Ukraine
Over Ukraines opposition to NATO membership Russia launched a war against them last year February. Even though Russia launched this attack Ukraine is a small country and can be beaten away easily, Ukraine showed Russia its strength in the war. Ukraine has been retaliating against Russia as the US and Western countries have provided financial aid and arms support.
18 hours massive attack
In this situation, Russia intensified its attack on Ukraine on December 29. The attack targeted cities in the south, west and east of Ukraine, including Kiev. The attack lasted for more than 18 hours. The Russian military deployed 36 drones and 122 missiles in this series of strikes.
Destabilised Ukraine
The previous major attack was Russia’s launch of 96 missiles into Ukraine in November last year. Many parts of Ukraine were destabilised by the attack. As a result, hospitals, schools and the subway station were damaged. 31 people were killed in the collapse of the building. Many others were seriously injured.
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