Rajesh Kumar, Chief Executive Officer of Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said on Wednesday that around 50% of cyber – crime complaints received on national cybercrime helpline every day have their origin in China and pockets of Myanmar and Cambodia.
On Tuesday, Mr. Kumar was speaking at a press conference. According to him, the nation receives 5,000 cyber complaints per day on average. According to him, cyber fraud cost ₹10,319 crore between April 1, 2021, and December 31, 2023. The number of cybercrime complaints received increased from 26,049 in 2019 to over 15.5 lakh in 2023. 31 lakh complaints against cybercrime have been received in the last five years, and 66,000 incidents have resulted in FIRs being filed.
The official expressed concern over this and stated that the government is developing a system to enable individuals to reclaim money that has been banned. “Banks that we spoke with informed us that they require a court order in order to release funds that have been blocked in an account. We have developed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to handle the matter after consulting with the relevant authority on legal matters. It is awaiting final legal review. In the upcoming months, we ought to be ready to handle the issue, Mr. Kumar stated.
Factors that make India hub for Cyber Crimes
In India majority of Cyber Crimes are not reported the reason behind this is lack of awareness among majority, people are less aware of regarding data privacy, digital hygiene and password setting. They are not even aware of what to share or what not on the internet.
Every day cybercrimes are increasing, strong police case and punishment will discourage such crimes but conviction rate against these crimes are very less and even police are not trained enough to handle these crimes, with several government initiatives like Digital India encouraged people to go digital for most of the things, but we are not aware of digital hygiene.
Mr. Kumar has said that the highest number of reported cybercrimes in 2023 were related to work from home or part-time job scams followed by illegal lending apps, illegal lending apps are the second most commonly used tools by scammers often operating from countries like China, Cambodia. 40 to 50 percent complaints are originating outside the country but the rate of increase is decreasing, it is decelerating so there is a point of inflation somewhere, now more people are reporting these crimes we are making efforts both with ourselves and with law enforcement with banking and telecom partners to solve this problem.
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